* twins * adoption * princesses * recipes * life*

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sleep and Stress

I was exhausted after monday's photo trip and yesterday being my first day on my own with all four princesses. So, needless to say when the babies went ot sleep at 7:30 (yes I am trying to adjust that to a bit later) I jumped at the opportunity to go to bed early as well. The husband was getting the older two ready for bed and gave me the go-ahead. Imagine my surprise when the first stirrings from our little beauties wasn't until 2:30! 7 HOURS OF SLEEP, AT ONE TIME!!!!! I can tackle to house today with all the sleep I got, that is in between princess meals, clothing and diapering, and thebirthday party preperations.

The older two are having a joint birthday party on Saturday with 5 of their friends invited. I feel like I am lazing out on the whole birthday thing, and this is really the first party Little Bits has ever had (turning 5) while Twinkle Toes has had one. Understand. we have birthdays, but it is grandparents and not the "little girl dream parties" that every girl desires. The pressure has been mounting as the children grow older and attend parties of friends. I am really just not into the whole "theme" and "gift bags" and hoards of screaming little girls running around type of mom...not just with the adoption being completed, ever. If there is one stress or even fear that I have it is hoards of screamig kids of which I have no control. One time, I ruled myself silly for the stress/fear of it all and decided to help out with our church's Easter egg hunt, I was physically ill by the end of the day and knew I could never do it again!

However I knew my girls' little hearts desired a party as they have been planning it for months. With the adoption and attention split now, I figured it was a good year to cave in BUT on moms terms only! I was able to guide them into picking 2 friends each that I know and like for them to play with and they were able to convince me of one more that would feel sad being left out, 5 total (gotta love my girls, they really do think of others and it is nice when it shows up!) We picked out plates, cups, and napkins online (it was pretty cheap too!) The cake has been ordered (I usually do my own as homemade cakes are so much nicer than grocery store cakes, but lets be realistic here), a cool Christmas gift will provide 1/2 hour of entertainment (ballet instruction video, Barbie-style), invites have been sent including directions to dress as a dancing princess, mini pizza making materials have been purchased. All we have to do is survive the two hours with no tears and life will return to normal. I can do this, it's for my girls...I can do this it's for my girls...I can do this it's for my girls.....

Ok, everyone laughing at the above stress you are reading seeing as how I seem to have started my own pack of screaming little girls can quit now. It is so different with you own children and you know it! I'll post pics of the festivities after I survive the day, if I don't I am sure my darling husband will as he is super-dad/husband.



At 1/10/2007 8:05 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Bumping into you at the mall on Monday made my whole week. The twins could be no more perfect. They are so sweet and look so healthy. I'm just beaming still from holding Chloe (right?).

Good luck with the party. Sounds like you have all the bases covered.

I'm probably going to be asking for some advise in the next few months. I'm already looking for that baby carrier. thanks for the tip.

At 1/10/2007 8:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I feel for you. We only have one little girl(at least at home right now) and when she has a party it is chaotic, to say the least. This year she has decided that she would like to have "all" of her classmates to come. 21 out of control screaming kids is not my ides of fun, but your only 8 once, right? LOL
I will pray that you are still able to hear well once the party is over.

Take care and good luck,


At 1/10/2007 8:43 AM , Blogger KelleyO said...

Jenn, check out Target's dollar section they have some really cool stuff right now. We bought 15 of everything for Bunny's birthday party(this Saturday- she's 11). Have fun!

At 1/10/2007 11:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oy Vey. Birthday parties. I once helped my cousin with an overnight birthday party for her 7 year old daughter and her entire THIRD GRADE CLASS (girls only, that is). What a nightmare!!! At one point my cousin and I were in the bathroom, leaning up against the door in a vain attempt to get two seconds of peace and quiet, and arguing over who had the worst headache. Girls, I learned, are screechers, squeelers, and shreekers. They also are "bicker queeens." Five sounds doable, but I still feel for ya. What a great mom you are! brave, too!

At 1/10/2007 12:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have had many girl parties and it is not as bad as you are worring for. Turn on your princess music and dance with them or not they will all form together and dance and twirl. I little like follow the leader. Just remember they are so fun at this little time in their lives. Enjoy!


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