* twins * adoption * princesses * recipes * life*

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Some wonder why I am being cryptic, hush-hush, or mysterious about our referral.

Answer: I don't really know! Perhaps I always communicate this way, ask my husband...he'll tell the truth at least! Is it a part of my motherly instincts wanting to protect my young, knowing if their photos are posted they are out there for the world to see? Is part of it simply being selfish and wanting to enjoy that first bit of time all to ourselves (just our family)? I really am not sure.
I do know I love these little girls that I can barely see in the pictures, that I have never met, and that I simply am having a hard time naming one of. I wan to protect them, help heal the hurt they may have already felt, nourish them, love on them, watch them sleep, and smell their little baby heads.
I NEVER dreamed I would get twin girls, and babies at that! Maybe now is a good time to share a bit of how the girls found us:

In doing our homestudy and paperwork, we simply knew that we were to ask for siblings and that we didn't want to upset the birth order in the house. SO, we asked for under 5 and preferably siblings. We felt stronger about the sibling part than any age in that range, and we really didn't have a preference of gender. Now, having asked for that we were thinking we would perhaps get a toddler and either an older or younger sibling. We read books to that end, sold most of the newborn baby stuff we had, etc. Two weeks ago, Molly, a friend I have found on our adoption journey called me to let me know some great news. She had a firend whose agency had twins available and no one in their agency paper ready. I was SO excited as here were siblings with no one to claim them!!! Then I am told they are babies...bad news. Why? We had a rough time when our oldest were babies, really rough. I knew for sure my husband would say absolutely not, no babies, we can't handle two. So I read him the email, and he didn't say "no, absolutely not". In fact, he pretty much agreed to look into it more and see what happens. This begins a string of events that set us up for getting our girls. Day by day, paperwork happened by the time it needed to, and as time passed this looked more and more like a reality for us and my husband still is not saying no! Anyone who knew us 4 almost 5 years ago will understand why he was like that. If any of you out there believe in God, I can tell you with certainty that His handprint is all over this. We were simply going along our own way, when BOOM! He had a different plan for us. Our prayer throughout this whole journey was that we trusted in that He gave us the desire for siblings, and that He would know which children we are to parent. So, we simply asked that He made a clear path to the correct children for us, and our prayer was answered! Thank you so much Molly for following your gut and sending those girls our way, I honestly think you were part of God's plan for us and I am forever greatful!!!

P.S. all of those out there with babies or babies on the way...BabiesRUs is having a sale on their brand of diapers. I was able to get 768 diapers for $60 and am thinking of going back for more next time I am in a big city. Lets see...20 diapers a day...7 days a week...my, oh, my... that is only 5 and a half weeks. This could get expensive!!!


At 10/04/2006 4:32 PM , Blogger Stepping On Legos said...

I *totally* understand this need to be cryptic. I am SO like that. I am just superstitious, cautious, paranoid. That's all! :-) No harm in that! I always thought I"d be a "roof topper" but as it turns out when I got my referral, I really wanted to tell very few people! Now when I get home with my baby? WATCH OUT! Haha

At 10/04/2006 5:22 PM , Blogger Stephanie said...


this is a special time for you and your family. It is totally okay to keep your precious babies to yourself. You will know when the time is right to let others into their lives. I think it is wonderful that they have a mother who wants to protect them and that is all you are doing.


At 10/08/2006 11:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just love the thought of you with these twin girls! Two sweet little girls.....to add to your two already home. This sounds all gushy, but It just warms my heart! And I'm very honored to have played a small part in it all. I love how God uses people and circumstances to work out His plan. :)



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