* twins * adoption * princesses * recipes * life*

Monday, December 04, 2006

Waking up to a new world

Hanoi is a bit on the noisy side. At first I thought I was late to wake up to go somewhere with my mom...she is the only one I usually hear honking outside my door. Well, silly me, I am in Hanoi! They have traffic that is so funny. Lines and signs but no on pays much attention unless there is a traffic signal and even then it seems negotiable. Very funny! To keep order though there is this "language" of honking. Not the mad, get out of my way, what are you thinking honking we do at home, but a "pardon me" type of honking and all day the horns go on. It isn't near as annoying as it sounds.

Our hotel is nice. Nice linens on the beds, beautiful bathroom, no view but light from a HUGE glass block window. We like it here. Plus they do a huge buffet breakfast (Asian and Western) and our internet is included...wireless.

Today is the day we go to see the babies, it's 8AM now and we are hoping to leave after lunch time. I can not wait to finally hold them and I will be sure to take and post some pictures. I have taken some photos, but won't post them now as my connection is somewhat slow...keep your eyes peeled for additions though!

More Later


At 12/04/2006 8:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see pics of the twins!!!!

At 12/04/2006 9:49 PM , Blogger Stepping On Legos said...

i am loving reading about all your details already! From your other email, the food sounds better on Cathay than EVA so you have that to be thankful for at least :-) Oh and you got fed on your US leg? We had a 5 hour flight to LAX and got NOTHING! not even a bag of pretzels!!!!

Isn't the traffic in Hanoi amazing? I think we would all be safer if we learned to drive like that. It is crazy but it works - unlike our crazy at home which is rude, angry and does not work. And also the honking really is not annoying, you are right! I miss Hanoi already!! I feel homesick just reading your blog! Enjoy every minute of it!!

I can't wait to see you holding your baby girls!

At 12/05/2006 1:12 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

This is so neat! You are in Hanoi ready to meet your girls. Your in my prayers. Looking forward to seeing their pictures.


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