* twins * adoption * princesses * recipes * life*

Thursday, August 03, 2006


As time passes and we wait on different things to come in the mail, I discover things I wish I hadn't. Part of it is my own fault, I am curious to a fault! I have found some journals of those working in one of the orphanages my agency works through. It is hard to hear the living conditions, yet on the other hand it is good to hear that the kids seem to know no different and don't mind it. That is the hardest part of waiting through this process. Being that we are looking to adopt older, that means our children are already there, living their lives amongst other children in need. Sharing what little affection there is as the nannies are busy providing for survival needs, one-on-one time does not exist except for when food is being shoveled down your throat.
Yet another time I need to trust in God, trust that he has my children in His hands just as He has me in His hands.
Tomorrow marks the first week of waiting for our I171H (permission to bring orphan into the US, the I600 I mailed in previous posts). One down, 8 or 9 more to go? That is the funny thing about this stuff. If I were told it will be exactly 3 months until you get your I171H, I could handle that. This business of it may be 45 days until you get your fingerprinting appointment, though some have gotten this as early as 2 weeks, and then after that it will be another 45 days or so until you get your I171H, though there have been those who have only waited a week....it'll drive you nuts not quite knowing where you are at. I guess I should assume nothing extraordinary and be surprised if it gets done early. I fear we will get our fingerprinting appointments while we are on vacation, or worse yet, the day we leave, therefore holding up our application for 2 or 3 weeks.
Those that ask what to pray, that would be something to pray for...two things really. My anxiety over this to lay off and our fingerprints taken before we go on vacation. That way our vacation can be just that, one last swing at Disney as a family of 4! Not a trip filled with wondering if we are missing our fingerprinting appointment and setting ourselves back.

entering Walt Disney World, January 2006


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