Things are looking up!
Well it isn't perfect news but I will take it. Tuesday the girls will be ours forever!
HOORAY! We are relieved as we were concerned if it was postponed too long that my flight out might be a little too close for comfort. Now, me doing the ceremony on my own will be interesting for sure. I imagine I will be an emotional wreck and plan on packing extra Kleenexes. Dad won't be here yet, but thankfully I have made some great friends while here and they are adopting their babies from the same province and they will have their ceremony at the same time. Hoping that either the Longs or the Pokos will have a free hand if I would need it and I will be packing my sling, it'll free up one arm at least to sign papers with!
Todays adventures:
We hung around the room this morning unpacking all the baby clothes and working out in our heads what all we wanted to try to bargain for in all of the streets surrounding us. For lunch we went just a few doors down the road to the "Green Tangerine" I loved the place. It is in an old building crammed between shops and is such a beatiful little spot. The food was wonderful and the presentation something you would expect at a fine restaurant with white linens and silver. I wish I had taken a picture of our meals and the inside of the place, good reason to go back. When you first walk in it is a somewhat open seating area, keep walking through to a very European looking courtyard with seating, and then on into another seating area. Skinny but deep, like many of the buildings here.
Also went to a nice little coffee/ice cream shop with the Longs and Pokos. We had Italian sodas that were very good. It was a nice little spot at the south side of the lake with huge windows you could look out and watch the motorbikes and cars fly by.
After that, we stopped at the supermarket. I wanted some Coca-Cola as it seems to keep my tummy settled and also I wanted to find some nail polish so I can paint one of the twins' toes to help tell them apart (one of the handful of things I had meant to pack and didn't) No luck though, hopefully I can find some before tuesday, somewhere!
Supper upstairs in the hotel, the staff is beginning to recognize us there. I really like where we are staying. Right on the edge of the shops, close to the lake, not far from 2 supermarkets, and very friendly staff....add the free breakfast and wireless internet and I am good to go!
Tired and going to bed soon, but hoping for more about the babies for you all. We hope to visit with them one more time before Brian flies home on Sunday.
YAY on having a G&R date! You will have your little girls forever very soon! I love the pictures you posted!
Well, I'm sorry Brian will have to miss the G&R, but it's nice to have a set date for the G&R now. You are amazing to take on the adventure of the twins by yourself!! Not that you have a choice, but I'm glad it's not too frightening for you. You'll get through it just fine, I'm sure. And it's nice that the families traveling with you are there to offer a hand if needed.
I love the idea of painting one girl's toenails to tell them apart. How funny. I guess that could be a problem, huh?! ;)
Well, keep telling us about your's so fun to read!
I am so glad that you have a date! I can't wait to see pictures of you and those angels together at last!
I am praying for you all.
I am really sorry that Brian won't be there for the ceremony, but happy that you finally got your G$R date. Thankfully you are blessed with some great traveling companions. I know how excited your are to finally have those babies in your arms forever.
We are continuing to pray for youand your babies(all 4 of them).
Congrats on the giving and receiving sorry that Brian will not be there, but it sounds like you will have a lot of support and help from other APs.
Keeping you and yours in my prayers, as allways.
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