* twins * adoption * princesses * recipes * life*

Thursday, August 17, 2006

better day!

Nothing like a haircut and a beauty shop full of women to gush over the idea of adoption and renew some of the excitement in you!

Ahh, the ups and downs of life. It's amazing. Thanks for all the thoughtful comments. I can only remember one time with the pregnancy of my second child that someone said something a bit insensitive. I never imagined it would be any different with adoption, and I really didn't figure on the Vietnamese race being an issue either. Time heals much though and some people really do speak without thinking. We'll see how it all goes.

On the adoption front:
Our homestudy is done and being sent to our agency for review. Once that is done it will be finalized and sent on to the USCIS as well as our agency and ourselves. It'll be interesting to see what all is in that packet. It's just slow moving getting there. Step by step we pay this person, fill out that paperwork, and then we wait. And I am okay with that! I find it funny that even my library has me on a waiting list to inter-library loan some books on attachment and adoption. At least I am not having to fill out more than a title and author on this one and it is free!

Vacation in 14 days, the coutdown has begun and the madness will soon settle in. How many changes of clothes, what bills need paid, who's stuff is in what bag, buzz the dog so it doesn't matter if she doesn't get brushed for 2 weeks (poor baby!) and be sure to have enough food to pass along for her. Then there are things like, don't buy ahead on meat, use up anything that will expire, what should we pack for in the car....is anyone else's vacation prep like this? I love going but gettin ghtere and home is a nightmare! I'll clue you in on a tip though, shhhhh!!! Us gals (mom, myself and my girls) all take our time enjoying the drive down at our own pace while we plan on arriving somewhere within 24 hours of when the guys airplane gets in. We stop at places we would never have been able to and get 2 days of chatting in. It's nice and saves us money from 4 plane tickets and a rental van, even with the recent gas prices and a hotel stop each way we save money. Cinderella's castle or bust!


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